HOW TO MAKE COLLEGE THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE (when you feel like it's the worst)

Wow hello! Long time so see!!


I think the last time I've made a post was almost two months ago?

Since the day I moved into my apartment my life has been a complete whirlwind since the day I moved in! It started with getting my house together, than catching up with all my friends I hadn't seen all summer long, volunteering for frosh week to help all the freshmen get settled in, then school started and assignments were thrown at me all at once!!
AND LET ME TELL YOU sophomore year is a hell of a lot harder!!
BUT I love it so much more than freshman year?

If you had followed my blog throughout the summer you would have seen my freshman year was far from perfect. I had messy relationships, friends I was unsure of, an anxiety disorder that reared it's ugly head, I gained the dreaded freshman 15, my roommate and I didn't get along, I was sick all the time from living in close quarters with so many kids, I couldn't sleep from stress, I didn't like my classes, etc.


The day my parents helped me move in I was completely terrified to move back to school into my apartment. I didn't want to feel anything like how I did last year. In fact I burst into tears in the restaurant we were at for lunch, just hours before my parents left me. I had the absolute worst expectations for this year!! But all those fears I had ended up being totally not rational!

Almost 100 percent of the things you worry about never actually happen.

It is SO GOOD to take comfort in that thought!!

Anyone who may be in the middle of their freshman year and are already feeling like this is unbearable..I can promise you that you will find your place and you will get into the swing of things!

I remember coming out of freshman year thinking I had made no lasting friendships and I just wished I was back in high school! But sometimes the best of friends you'll ever have can be right in front of you. The people living on my dorm room floor, who suffered through freshman year with me saw me at my best and my worst. There were times when I was sure they thought I was too loud, or too chatty or too worried or too weird! It was so dumb to worry about those things. We shared everything together like a family and like a family does, they saw the good in me when I was at my worst. I took that for granted too much last year. This year I can't imagine my life without their support and acceptance continuing throughout the year. Despite all moving on to our own apartments we still get together every weekend and I never leave without a smile on my face!

All I needed to do was take a second to calm down and realize nobody ever disliked me in the first place and it was wrong of me to believe they would be so critical or judgemental. YOU ARE LIKEABLE YOU ARE FUNNY YOU ARE INTERESTING TO SOMEBODY!!! LET YOURSELF BE CONFIDENT LET YOURSELF BE LOVED YOU DESERVE TO BE AND FEEL HAPPY!!!!

Or if you're worried about academics, something that has really revolutionized getting me through stressful bouts is remembering kids have gone through the same thing as me, studied the same subject, at the same school and have graduated! Those kids probably felt terrified at times and felt like they wouldn't make it just like me! But they did it, even if they didn't believe they could and if I'm as determined as I think I am, I can do it too. You're not the exception, you're one of the few your school believed could excel at their institution. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF BECAUSE SO MANY OTHERS DO!

I thought coming back here would be the worst experience of my life on replay. This year so far has been a pleasant surprise to me. I'm so much more interesting in what I study,  I couldn't imagine live without my friends, I actually ENJOY doing homework (to an extent of course) and I have a job interview tomorrow for an internship in my field.

The girl I was freshman year would have never expected to be here now.

If I could do it, so can you.


I've attached a picture of the picture board in my house with all my wonderful roommates :)

I will be posting much more often now and I CANT WAIT!

Till' next time!



  1. Yay, you're back!! <3 I'm so glad you're enjoying it!! I totally agree with everything you said, too! xx

    1. YES ITS BEEN SO LONG!!!! I have to catch up on so many of your posts!! I'm looking forward to reading them! I hope you've been having a good year so far :)

      - Jade


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