
I hope you are well!

I actually published a very similar post back in the summer but I felt I could improve it so I am reposting it now. I am much prouder of this list of tips below and far much more informed than i was when I wrote the original post (which I have now deleted hehe). Enjoy!!

As the average college student who pays for their morning coffee with loose change found in the sofa, the last thing I need to be doing is spending my precious coffee money on expensive skin care products (I SERIOUSLY NEED MY COFFEE). It can be difficult to afford constantly purchasing beauty products that simply do not work at keeping your skin clear! Throughout my time as a (broke) student I have picked up on a few tips and lifestyle changes that allow me to avoid buying the expensive beauty products and keep my skin clear all year around! These I can swear by!

1.     Hydration and Water with Lemon!
Lemons are naturally rich in vitamin C which is good for skin rejuvenation and the hydration of water keeps your skin hydrated and glowing. This is especially effective when it is winter and the frigid air is robbing your skin of all its moisture! Lemons are cheap, they last long if you keep them in the fridge and if you do not have a few precious seconds to spare to squeeze a lemon you can buy the pre-squeezed! Lemon water can also have other benefits like boosting your immune system and weight loss!

photo: http://home.bt.com/lifestyle/wellbeing/5-reasons-to-start-your-day-with-hot-water-and-lemon-11363939929151

2.     Tea Tree oil as a spot treatment!
I know the sound of putting oil on your skin when it is usually a big no no in skin care products sounds like an awful idea but TRUST ME! In my experience tea tree oil dries on the skin quickly unlike other oils. Additionally, studies have found tea tree oil even has the same effects as benzoyl peroxide, except without the negative effects like peeling and redness! It is anti-bacterial and encourages healing! Two things perfect for zits! Plus it is all-natural! It is usually not very pricey either! Just a small bottle for $10 will last you an entire year! This has been my go-to spot treatment for years.

3.     Wear hats and protect your skin!
Hats protect your skin from the sun! Doing this is not necessarily a way to keep your skin clear BUTTTTTTT it protects your skin from wrinkling at an early age, sun damage and even skin cancer! Even in the winter this can be a problem! Although the sun is not as intense if you are from a region that receives snow the reflectivity of the sunlight on the snow can cause just as much damage! All things that can reduce the health and beauty of your skin! Wearing a lighter facial sunscreen is also perfect. Oil free, facial sunscreen is not as heavy and won’t clog pores!

4.    Eat healthier!!
 Avoid too many foods high in sugar or fat! When your body is taking in too many foods that are bad for it it’s harder for it to function properly and flush out the bad stuff (i.e toxins, bacteria)!! If it can’t do that what it can’t flush out will start showing up on your skin! It might be hard to say no pizza after a night out or really anything covered in cheese but your skin will thank you in the long run!

5.     Exercise!
Part of having a healthy body that functions properly is giving it the right amount of activity! Exercise and physical activity gets your blood flowing and allows red blood cells to quickly carry more oxygen to the skin cells in your face. Ultimately, this will leave your skin looking more vibrant and healthy. More often than not paying tuition also covers a gym membership at any gym on campus, if not a quick Google search can provide information about running trails nearby or various exercises you can do at home. Exercise is also a great stress reducer and common study break activity for anxious students!

6.     Get enough sleep
BEAUTY SLEEP IS IMPORTANT!!!! You can almost notice after just one night of a bad sleep your skin can look tired, saggy and less lively! Lack of sleep causes blood vessels to dilate giving the look of dark circles AND lack of sleep can lead to increase stress and tension throughout the day, which almost always ends up impacting your skin due to a change in hormones your body secretes at times of stress. I know a having messed up sleep schedule and eye bags are basically an accessory to college students, but I have learned through numerous hilarious encounters that you can catch some Zzzzzs almost anywhere if you try hard enough!


  1. Hey. I'm Tara (aka Poodle) another member of Beau Bloggers. I hope you enjoy being part of the community. It's really amazing.
    Great blog post. I've heard that tea tree oil is good for acne but I haven't tried it yet. I'm allergic to benzoyl peroxide, as I found out last year. Half of my face was super swollen, dry and itchy. It was terrible.
    Anyways, feel free to follow me on social media. Have a lovely day!

    1. I really am enjoying myself immensely! I am glad you enjoyed this post and I am SO excited to have the opportunity to be apart of beau bloggers! As soon as I complete this comment I am going to check out your blog! Have a lovely day!


  2. This is super useful- thank you!
    Elise | i-cant-think-help.blogspot.com

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed it! I look forward to reading the great posts you have :)


  3. Love this! Especially the sleeping tip, I think many people overlook the importance of a good nights sleep, good you pointed it out!

  4. Hahaha, nice and obvious tips but so hard to do! Last night I wanted to fall asleep at 10 pm. But drying hair and packing for uni and studying took me all night and I went sleeping at 2 am. I am super tired right now.
    But love the idea.
    Love, Liliann from

    1. Haha yeah that one takes commitment! I usually have a night time routine I plan my day around so I make it. Maybe it's just easy for me because I am a person of habit and structure haha. Thanks for the comment!



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