THE GLIMPSE OF YOU TAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello!! I wanna start off by saying sorry for the recent lack of activity on this blog! My best internet friend has been visiting me from America for the last few days and we’ve had quite the busy schedule trying to fit in as many activities as we can together! We just got back from a beautiful and sunny day at the beach and she’s currently in the shower so I thought I would take this time to quickly write a post!

Earlier this week I read and was tagged in the “Glimpse of you Tag” by just a bubble (who also happens to be the creator of the TAG! I thought it was such a cute idea and I really do love to learn new things about people from different places because our differences are all so interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE INTERESTING PEOPLE BLOGGERS ARE SO INTERESTING!!!!!!!

Anyways so I thought I would do my own! And I know this is premature but before I begin…..if you are reading this I TAG YOU to make your own “Glimpse of You” post and leave a comment on this post telling me if you do! I REALLY WANT TO READ ALL YOURS BECAUSE  (like I said) YOU’RE ALL SO INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean this in the absolutely least creepy way possible……..


Jade’s Glimpse Of You Tag Questions

1) Post and explain a picture that makes you remember a happy memory.
 I seriously couldn’t choose between these two so I’m just gunna save myself the decision and do both!

This picture was actually from yesterday. At first glance it looks like an average touristy picture in the streets of Toronto but a lot had actually led up to this day. These two girls I met on a group chat created via twitter almost a year ago. Yesterday was the first day we were actually able to come together and hang out after talking for almost a year! We spent the day shopping and getting food at cute board game cafes and just enjoying our time together! We’re all from so far away so coming together like this and hanging out like normal friends was such a cool and memorable experience! Especially with people I can be 100% myself around! I haven’t had a day this good in such a long time and I was just absolutely delighted all day! I will never forget it!

This day was also somewhat recent. As many of you know from my constant posts that I just finished my freshman year at uni. Uni can be such a scary experience going into it. You have to become so independent and life can really get to you sometimes but I was so incredibly lucky to have such good friends in my dorm to make it easier! Specifically my floormates! We were a family, and that’s who’s in this picture! This night was my friend’s Davis’ 19th birthday, and in Canada that means you can legally drink and get into bars! This night my entire floor got together, got absolutely wasted (which I almost never do) and went out to a karaoke bar. We sang and danced to the biggest throw back songs and I distinctly remember taking a moment to realize that I am such a lucky girl to have such great people in my life and how lucky I am to just be me.

Actually that’s what both these pictures have in common, both these days I just felt so content and so lucky to be alive! These moments can be so rare but when they come around they make all hardships you have to go through growing up and living your life completely worth while!

2) Who makes you smile?

How am I supposed to choose just one?!?! Honestly so many people, almost every single person in my life gives me some reason to smile everyday! If I have to pick 2 I would have to say my Dad, he’s a big goof ball and but also really smart! I see a lot of myself in him and we think very alike! Also my best friend Julia, we’ve known each other for over 10 years now and we always act like kids around each other. We sometimes can even read each others minds?? IDK ITS SO WEIRD BUT I’M ALWAYS MY WEIRDEST (AND FAVOURITE) VERSION OF MY SELF AROUND HER AND I’M ALWAYS HAPPY! HENCE I SMILE LOTS!!

3) What song makes you want to sing along and dance?


4) What joke makes you chuckle?

This joke may only make sense to Canadians because it involves a Canadian cellphone carrier… it is also slightly offensive DON’T HATE ME

“What do you call a nun in a wheel Chair?”

“Virgin Mobile….”

Virgin mobile is the name of the cellphone carrier aND THIS HAS LITERALLY BEEN MY FAVOURITE JOKE FOR 600 YEARS I DIE EVERYTIME

5) What do you want to ask your future self?

Have you figured out a way to save the environment and the world yet?

I really hope I can do this one day !

6) Finally: What is the BEST THING EVER?
TRAVELLING!! I love everything about travelling, even the usually tedious stuff like packing and long plane rides! I love seeing different ways people live, TRYING NEW FOOD, just knowing you’ve seen a different corner of the world…. It’s not something I get to do every day so when it does happen I become so incredibly in the place I’m going. There is literally an endless list of countries I want to visit and before I grow old I hope I get the chance.


Chocolate is the best thing ever.


I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my life and who I am!

Like I mentioned earlier I tag anyone and everyone who’s reading this! I’d love to read all about you guys!

Till’ next time!



  1. Thank you so much for doing the tag :) I absolutely LOVED reading this!! :) (Also chocolate is incredible hahah) xx


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